Lok Sewa Aayog Nepal PraSa for various levels. Lok Sewa Aayog for the various levels. Lok Sewa Aayog Nepal Pathekram is accessible in-depth here. In many cases, applicants for Lok Sewa Aayog can not find the Lok Sewa Aayog Syllabus they need. So we include the Sewa Aayog Exam Syllabus locomotive to mitigate this issue for the main service classes.
The Prasa Exam Syllabus, revised by the New Syllabus on 2076 Jeshtha 13, has been released in Lok Sewa Aayog Nepal. Scroll through the following. All Model Questions Paper has been updated with Prasa Exam Syllabus (2076/02/13), with the level of officer (Bi. Ni). Lok Sewa Aayog chaitau Level 2 and 3 with concerns about styles.