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Check your NEB +2 results 2076 with mark sheet

Methods to check +2 results You can check your +2 results from the following : 1. Nepal telecom website http://neb.ntc.net.np 2. NEB’s site http://www.neb.gov.np/result 3. Ekantipur’s site https://results.ekantipur.com/hseb-results-2075-2076-with-marksheet.php 4. Edusanjal’s site https://neb.edusanjal.com/ 5. SMS(NTC) SMS <neb> space <symbol. no> to 1400 6. SMS(NCELL) SMS <neb>space<symbol no> to 5000 5. Sparrow SMS <neb>space<symbol no> to 35001.

Check your NEB +2 results 2076 with mark sheet Read More »

ultimate list of free online sites for IELTS preparation

Ultimate list of free online sites for IELTS preparation

IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. IELTS is designed to check the language ability of the candidate for study or work in a  country where English is used as the language of communication. IELTS is required for entry to every university in Australia. What are the best online sites to prepare for the IELTS?

Ultimate list of free online sites for IELTS preparation Read More »

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