Important Dates:
1890 AD (1947 BS): First Hospital of Nepal, Bir Hospital Established.
1928 AD (1985 BS): Four ladies(Vidyabati Kansakar, Radha Devi, Dharma Devi Kansakar and Bishnu Devi Rai) were sent to Allahabad, India for 18 months Midwifery training.
1952 A.D (2009BS): Dr, Uma Devi Das and Ms Rukmini Charan Shrestha were sent to India for staff nurse training.
1956 A.D: 1st school of nursing was opened under Ministry of health with the help of WHO and offered 3 and half years program in Surendra bhawan.
1959 A.D: Another school under the United Mission to Nepal was established in Nirbhawan.
1962 AD: The first ANM school was opened at Bharatpur with the help of USAID.
1969 A.D: S.L.C requirement started in nursing.
1969 A.D: Nepal Became member of ICN(International Council of Nurse).
1972 A.D: T.U took over all health-related program and nursing school was converted to campus naming “Mahaboudha Nursing Campus”
1973A.D: Prekshya Rajya Laxmi Devi Shah entered in nursing
1977 A.D (2043 BS): Bachelor in Nursing program started in midwifery.
1986 March 14th (2042 BS 1st Chaitra): HMG school of Nursing, Mahabaudha finally move to Maharajgunj in its own building and is renamed Maharajgung Nursing Campus.
1986 A.D: 10% of male enrolled in nursing education (after 4 batches of intake, this policy was stopped).
1988 A.D (2045BS): Community and Hospital Nursing branch separated in Bachelor level
1989 A.D: Bir Nursing Campus established
1991 A.D: Lalitpur Nursing Campus established
1993 A.D: Entrance exam started to be a part of nursing
1995 A.D: Masters in Nursing program was started at the Maharajgunj Nursing campus.
1996 A.D: BPKIHS started B.Sc nursing program
1996 AD (2053 BS): Nepal Nursing Council(NNC) was established.
1999 A.D: BPKIHS started certificate nursing program
2000 A.D: Psychiatric Nursing faculty added in Bachelor in Nursing
2002 A.D: Bachelor in Nursing program started by private sectors.
: Bir Hospital was taken over by National Academy of Medical Science
2003 A.D: Bachelor in Nursing started in Bir Nursing Campus.
2005 A.D: B.Sc nursing program started in Maharajgunj Nursing Campus
Things to Learn
First President of Nursing Association of Nepal(NAN) Mrs. Lamboo Amatya.
First Doctorate Nurse of Nepal: Dr. Uma Devi Das.