NEB- Grade XII Biology (Botany+Zoology) Grade 12-XII Question Paper 2076 [2019] Sub Code: 214 ‘C’

NEB Past Paper

Subject Code: 214 ’C’

NEB- Grade XII

2076 (2019)

Biology (Botany+Zoology)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Time – 3 hrs 

Full Marks – 75

Pass Marks:27 (Only for Partial students)

Note: This question paper contains Botany portion in Group ‘A’ and Zoology portion in Group ‘B’. So use separate answer sheets for Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’. First use the answer sheet for Group ‘A’.   

Group ‘A’   


Attempt all questions.

1. Answer in short on  any seven . [7 x 1=7] 

a) What is apical meristem? 

b) Define plasmolysis? 

c) Where does auxin synthesize? 

d) Mention about dominant allele. 

e) Define heredity. 

f) What does it mean by scion? 

g) What is microspores? 

h) State about cleistogamy. 

i) Illustrate about callus culture. 

j) Define biotechnology.  

2. Describe in brief on  any five . [5 x 3=15] 

a) Structure and function of sclerenchyma. 

b) Collateral vascular bundle. 

c) Difference between homozygous and heterozygous. 

d) Structure of RNA. 

e) Process of translation. 

f) Development of monocot embryo. 

g) Possible danger of genetic engineering.  

3. Describe the various factors that influences the photosynthesis in plants. [7.5] 


Describe the various factors that affects the process of respiration in plants. [8] 

4. Define genetic material and describe the process involved in semi-conservative method of DNA replication with neat and clean diagram. [8]   

Group ‘B’


 Attempt  all the questions:  

1. Answer in short on  any seven . [7 x 1=7] 

a) Name main component of matrix.

b) What is organogenesis? 

c) What is meant by dead space? 

d) Why is ultra filtration called so? 

e) In which part of oviduct fertilization occurs? 

f) Write full form of ALISA. 

g) Why and when was TB declared as world emergency? 

h) What do you mean by allograft? 

i) Who invented the first Antibiotics? 

j) What are pullets?  

2. Describe in brief on  any five . [5 x 3=15] 

a) Write short notes on lymph. 

b) Write down the fate of mesoderm. 

c) Discuss CO2 transport. 

d) Explain working of Heart. 

e) Differentiate between sympathetic and para sympathetic nervous system.

f) Discuss significance of surrogacy. 

g) Write down the mode of the transmission of Hepatitis B.  

3. Describe the structure and function of uriniferous tubule with labeled diagram. [7.5] 


Describe the structure of female reproductive organs with menstrual cycle in human being.  4. Describe the causative agent, mode of transmission, symptoms, control and prevention of Typhoid. [8]   

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