Subject Code: 628 ’A’
NEB- Grade XII
2075 (2018)
Business Studies
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Time – 3 hrs
Full Marks – 100
Pass Marks – 35 (Only for partial students)
(Group ‘A’)
(Short answer questions)
(Attempt any Eight questions) [8×8=64]
1. (Explain management as a science and an art.) [4+4]
2. (What is planning? Explain the importance of planning in an organization.) [2+6=8]
3. (Give the concept of management decision and explain the steps involved in decision making process.) [2+6=8]
4. (Explain the components of direction?) [8]
5. (Describe about Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation.) [8]
6. (What is leadership? Explain the managerial qualities of leadership.) [2+6=8]
7. (Give the concept of supervision and explain the factors affecting supervision. [2+6=8]
8. (Explain the different types of communication.) [8]
9. (What is co-ordination? Explain the techniques of co-ordination.) [2+6=8]
10. (Give the concept of control and explain it’s processes.) [2+6=8]
(Explain the importance of participative management in organizations.) [8]
(Group ‘B’)
(Long answer questions)
(Attempt any two questions) [2×18=36]
11. (Explain the administrative management principles introduced by Henry Fayol.) [18]
12. (Clarify about delegation of authority and show the difference between delegation of authority and decentralization.)
13. (What is insurance? Describe the fundamental principles of insurance contract.)
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